Monday, September 21, 2015

We live for Soccer!

Congratulations to Avu and Alex for your successful Captaincy on Saturday. You guys made us very proud.  Thank you to all our players who were absolutely awesome! You made my heart burst with pride!

Bontebok Park Official handing over the trophy

The Squad 

It is all about the game.

Must have...skills

Who are we!!!!

Good sportsmanship 

The line-up


The u/15's. Support support!

Beautiful Bontebok Park and Breede River 

Warming up

Puma's watching their prey

The lighter side of things

The puma and the jackals 

The winners at the end of the day!

Dynamite comes in small packets

Healthy rivalry 

We are all winners at the end.

Puma's ready to pounce

Discipline, structure and speed

Brothers in arms

Waiting for the final decision

Getaway vehicle Bosluis watching over us in the distance

Coach Monde, referee and organiser and Alex Kagerer (Captain)

The brothers

Pain and fear in our opponents eyes.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Matric Farewell Awaits

Today, 15 September, our Grade 12 learners received their invitations to their 2015 Matric Farewell.

This memorable occasion will take place on the 30th September 2015 in our College's majestic main building.  We will be joined on this joyous occasion by an array of prestigious members of our local community as well as friends of the College from far. 

The evening will be shared with our learners and their parents or guardians, educators and also a guest speaker whom will focus on a motivational speech to inspire our grade 12's for their future. The evening is one of the main events in our learners schooling career.